Where I Fish Around Buoy 10


I have 3 main areas that I focus on when fishing inside the river boundaries -


#1 - Buoy 26 at the entrance of the Hammond launch to Buoy 29.

Trolling Pattern: I will setup trolling rotations below buoy #26, just below the launch entrance at Hammond all the way down to buoy #29. I usually setup my pattern in about 200 yard stretches stepping either right to left or left to right depending on where I first drop lines. I will start the day more towards buoy #26 and move up river towards buoy 29 as the day progresses.

Line Depth: The depth in this area where I fish is between 40 and 60. I will run baits from 23 to 45 with my preferred average around 25. Once I find a depth that produces a steady bite I will tighten up my depth variation.




#2 - Buoy 14 to 21.

Trolling Pattern: I will setup on tide rips between the buoys, more towards the center of the river, leaning towards the Washington side. I will start working this area about 2 hours into the tide change.

Line Depth: The depth in this area where I fish is between 50 and 80. I will run baits from 23 to 45 with my preferred average around 25. Once I find a depth that produces a steady bite I will tighten up my depth variation.




#3 - Buoy 10 to 20.

Trolling Pattern: I will start at buoy 10 about an hour after the tide change and let the tide push me back to buoy 20. I will power back up to buoy 10 and repeat several times. I setup on tide rips between the buoys, more towards the center of the river, leaning towards the Washington side.

Line Depth: The depth in this area where I fish is between 50 and 100. I will run baits from 23 to 90 with my preferred average around 25. Once I find a depth that produces a steady bite I will tighten up my depth variation.

