

Tides: Low tide is at 6:30 a.m. and high tide is at 1:00 and a second low tide at 6:30 p.m.

Crew for the day: Tim and Peter.

Starting Time: 9:00 a.m.


What We Caught

The first 6 fish we put in the net all had to go back.  We wound up with 1 hatchery fish and released a bunch of small ones.  The bite was pretty steady but almost no keepers in the mix.  I also caught a seagull.  The greedy little jerk dive bombed my bait as I was dropping my line.  I flew him like a kite for a minute until he settled down enough to just peck the crap out of me while I got him free of my tackle.  He flew off to steal bait another day.


Where We Fished

The weather was SPECTACULAR!, no wind and glass flat water. We stayed with the same drill, setting up on buoy #10 right off the bat.  We were getting popped by a load of small fish and all of the adults where wild.  The bite was steady for a couple of hours and the boats around us seemed to be putting fish in the box, hopefully they were all hatchery.  We moved in and ran the green and red line about 11:00.  We released a couple more wild fish right off the bat and eventually got our only keeper off of the red line.  We also released a hatchery Coho that was 15 inches which we could have legally kept (14 inches is the min) but so be it.


How We Fished

The kids stayed at camp today so we had two rods, 1 at 19 pulls and 1 at 22 pulls.  Both rods seemed to be doing equally well.  We caught all of the fish on small fresh hearing.


What We Saw and Learned

The river can be a big tease!  I know the folks fishing the areas we fished had a tough time of it.  The chatter on the marine radio confirmed what we were experiencing.  A lot of wild and small fish with a few keepers mixed in.