

Tides: Low tide is at 6:30 a.m. and high tide is at 1:00 and a second low tide at 6:30 p.m.

Crew for the day: Jimmy, Tim and Paul.

Starting Time: 8:00 a.m.


What Did We Catch

One Fish

1 stinking fish!  We released a few wild Coho and lost 8+ other fish, which were probably all jacks.  Only had one full size fish take and we put it in the box.  We got our butts kicked along with a lot of other folks.  There were some that did pretty good.  Saw many 2lbs fish boated, probably the sizes we were not keeping on.  Some boats picking up several mid size fish.


Where Did We Fish

Started above Buoy #12 at 9:00 and worked up to Buoy #10 around 10:00.  The water was rough as hell and it was very hard to keep a troll line. We moved down to buoy #27 and ran the Oregon shore side.  It was full of jelly fish and not much else.  We moved out to the buoy towards the middle of the river (green line) and picked up our first fish at 2:00.  Had several more take downs but nothing stuck.


How Did We Fish

Started at 23 to 28 pulls but found the fish at 18 to 20 pulls today.


What We Saw and Learned

The buoy #10 approach was not the ticket today.  Word of mouth said there was too much tidal action to draw the Chinook in this week even though we did get one Monday and Tuesday.  We will stay in towards #27 tomorrow.